Catfish Farm Management

Overview of Financial Management Training Modules (ppt).

Financial Management on Catfish Farms to Impprove Effieciencis and Porfitability

Balance Sheets: Tools for Improving Finacial Position in the Catfish Business

Balance Sheets: a Management Tool to Improve Financial Position of the Business (ppt).

Using Balance Sheets to Improve the Business’s Financial Position (ppt).

Profitability: Enterprise Budgets and Income Statements to Improve Catfish Business Profitability

Overview of Structure and Interpretation of Income Statements (ppt).

Using Enterprise Budgets and Income Statements to Improve Efficiencies and Profitability of Catfish Farms (ppt).

Using Cash Flow Budgets to Improve Cash Flow & Liquidity in the Catfish Business

Overview of Structure and Interpretation of Cash Flow Budgets (ppt).

Using Cash Flow Budgets to Improve Cash Flow & Liquidity in the Catfish Business (ppt).

Improving Production Efficiencies on Catfish Farms

Production Efficiencies on Catfish Farms (mp4)

Aeration (mp4)

Feeds and Feeding (mp4)

Water Quality (mp4)

Disease Management (mp4)

Managing Off-Flavor (mp4)

Hybrid Catfish Production (mp4)

Harvesting and Grading (mp4)

New Production Systems (mp4)

Arkansas MarketMaker

Arkansas MarketMaker (ppt)

Complexities of the U.S. Seafood Market (pdf)

Supermarket Sales of Catfish and Competing Products (ppt)

Effect of National Level Policies on the U.S. Catfish Market (ppt)

Developing your Business Plan

Developing a Business Plan (ppt)

 Additional Resources

Financial Management of Catfish Farms (html)